Please sign-up for our weekly e-mail by clicking “Sign-up” in the upper left to receive the updated information on our weekly sacramental schedule.
Sunday Mass: 11am, 5pm – Daily Mass Monday thru Friday: 12:30pm
Confessions: Wednesday 5-6pm or by appointment.

About Us

 At Calvert House, we aim…

  • To hand on the tradition of the Faith by fostering the sacramental, liturgical, and Catholic intellectual life.
  • To create multiple experiences of large and small communities that provide for personal and communal transformation, including moral and ethical development, and the integration of faith into life.
  • To accompany students as they discern their vocation, and in doing so, to develop leaders for Church and society.
  • To live as a community of students and faculty who foster the pursuit of justice by putting faith into action.
  • To engage Catholic faculty in the on-going integration of their faith and teaching.