Please sign-up for our weekly e-mail by clicking “Sign-up” in the upper left to receive the updated information on our weekly sacramental schedule.
Sunday Mass: 11am, 5pm – Daily Mass Monday thru Friday: 12:30pm
Confessions: Wednesday 5-6pm or by appointment.


Fall Twilight Retreat

An evening retreat (often lasting about three hours) that gives students a chance to pray and reflect on God’s movement in their lives.  This retreat is usually offered during Fall Quarter and sponsored by the Catholic Student Association.  For more information, please contact Matt Moran.

Winter Service Retreat

During the Winter Quarter, students have the opportunity to attend an overnight retreat. Students will serve a community in need by providing meals, distributing clothing, cleaning residences, etc. This retreat is sponsored by the Catholic Student Association. For more information, please contact Matt Moran.

Spring Retreat

Offered during Spring Quarter, this retreat is planned by a team of student leaders for other students. This retreat takes place off-campus over a weekend in the Spring Quarter, and is sponsored by the Catholic Student Association. Please see our Spring calendar for the upcoming retreat dates, and contact Matt Moran if you are interested in registering.